The 3-year program titled “Accelerating aquaculture development in Ghana through sustainable Nile Tilapia seed production and dissemination,” (TiSeed in short) was launched on February 2019 to address issues in the tilapia seed and extension system to improve productivity and profitability of tilapia cage and pond farming in Ghana, with particular focus on women and youth small-scale fish farmers.
The program runs from 2019 to 2022 and is being implemented by a consortium of international and local research institutes, led by IFPRI, supported by the Water Research Institute, (WRI) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Ghana, KIT Royal Tropical Institute in the Netherlands, and WorldFish. Other partners are Fisheries Commission (a government institution) and two private hatcheries (S-HOINT Ltd. and Crystal Lake Ltd.).
The program is working with other key players in the industry, including Raanan Fish Feed West Africa Ltd., Aller Aqua Feed Ghana Ltd., Ghana Aquaculture Association, National Fish Pond Farmers Association, Flosell Farms, West African Fish Ltd., National Aquaculture Technical Committee, Environmental Protection Agency. The program is a research grant funded by the Government of Netherlands and the CGIAR Research Programs on Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM) and Fish Agri-Food Systems (FISH). This program is among the nine (9) research proposals selected and awarded through the Netherlands-CGIAR research programme on seed systems development.