IFPRI-European Research Collaboration for Improved Food and Nutrition Security
The all-day “Partnering for Impact: IFPRI-European Research Collaboration for Improved Food and Nutrition Security” workshop will highlight the achievements of the innovative research programs IFPRI and European partners have jointly undertaken. The workshop will also support critical dialogue between researchers, development partners, policymakers, and implementers; discuss new ideas, approaches, and strategies for achieving impact through food policy research; and further contribute to the development of a meaningful post-2015 research agenda. Furthermore, it offers an opportunity to discuss future plans for the collaborative implementation of IFPRI’s strategy and the two IFPRI-led CGIAR Research Programs: Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM) and Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH).
Please note that participation in this event is by invitation only. If you require more information, please contact Ms. Jenna Ferguson at J.Ferguson@cgiar.org.