
Journal Article
Maize yield responsiveness and profitability of fertilizer: New survey evidence from six African countries

Journal Article
Farmers’ pesticide use, disposal behavior, and pre-harvest interval: A case study from Nigeria

Journal Article
Seed certification, certified seeds use and yield outcomes in Nigeria: Insights from nationally-representative farm panel data and seed company location data
Abdoulaye, Tahirou; Kumar, P. Lava; Wossen, TesfamichealDatasets
2021 Social Accounting Matrix for Nigeria
Dataset on the impact of biofortified cassava in Nigeria: assessment of livelihood outcomes in Nigeria
Food Security Simulator — Nigeria

Transform Nutrition West Africa builds knowledge for decision-makers
Informing policies in four countries.

How anticipatory action can empower women in disaster-prone areas
How assistance programs can catalyze improvements in gender equality.

A shock to the (food) system: Using new IFPRI tools to evaluate household food security outcomes
Simulating impacts of crisis and responses.

Improving Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Nutrition in Nigeria: Policies and Actions
Despite significant progress in addressing hunger and undernutrition in the early 2000s, malnutrition, in all its forms, remains a major challenge in all regions of the world. Unhealthy diets remain the primary drivers of many forms of malnutrition, including undernutrition, overweight and obesity, micronutrient deficiencies, and diet-related noncommunicable diseases. Today, the number of people who […]

The E-FooD Dataset and Food Security Simulators for Kenya and Nigeria: Innovative Tools to Support National Policies and Strategies
Virtual Event: December 7, 2023 – 8:00 AM- 9:00 AM EST. This webinar, organized by the CGIAR Initiative on National Policies and Strategies (NPS), introduces the E-FooD dataset and FSS for Kenya and Nigeria, showcases their applications, and discusses the role that such tools can play in policymaking.

WFP Impact Evaluation Forum
Event: December 4, 2023 – 09:00 AM to December 7, 2023 – 6:30 PM CET. IFPRI is participating in the first United Nations World Food Programme Impact Evaluation Forum in Rome, Italy.
At high level dialogue, Stakeholders Rally Support for Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture (National Update/Punch)
This article published by National Update (Nigeria) wrote about a recent high-level dialogue on the CGIAR HER+ initiative in Abuja held on October 9, 2024, that aimed to address barriers women face in Nigeria’s agrifood sector.
Pivotal: Confronting hunger and poverty in Nigeria (Africa Independence Television)
Nigeria’s current economic crisis continues to attract media attention. On 26 June 2024 Africa Independence Television (AIT) hosted a panel discussion on the television program “Pivotal” focused on confronting hunger and poverty. The panel, moderated by Nabila Usman, included Kwaw Andam, Country Program Leader, IFPRI-Nigeria, Andrew Mamudu, Country Director, Action Aid, and Abdullahi Mohammad, Associate, […]
The return of the rice crisis (Financial Times)
“Export restrictions and extreme weather are threatening the global supply of a staple commodity relied on by millions,” writes the Financial Times. The sharp increase in the cost of this everyday staple can be traced to a crackdown by India, the world’s largest rice exporter, in response to fears of a production shortfall and rising […]

Food Security Simulator
The Food Security Simulator is an innovative, easy-to-use MS-Excel-based tool for assessing the potential short-term impacts of food price or household income shocks on food……

Women’s empowerment in agrifood governance (WEAGov)
The Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov) is an assessment tool developed by IFPRI and partners to help evaluate the extent to which women are……