According to the FAO, each year about 1.3 billion tons of food produced for human consumption is lost after harvest and before reaching consumers. Postharvest losses not only reduce quantity but also the quality of stored grain and are amplified by changing weather patterns. Improved grain drying and storage can be key mitigators of postharvest loss, resulting in improved food availability and food safety for both smallholder farmers and end consumers.
Can access to improved storage technology enhance food security for smallholder farmers in India? A recent study of over 1500 farmers in Bihar, India demonstrated that hermetic bags could enhance food security and raise net revenues for smallholders in the region…
Read the entire press release on the Securing the Harvest: A Forum on Improved Grain Storage for Smallholder Agriculture page located on the IFPRI-South Asia Region site.
To speak with presenters please contact Rebika Laishram, Communications Specialist, IFPRI South Asia