Daily Hunt published an article about the UNFSS stating that agencies of the UN and other NGOs have called for a sweeping review of global support to farmers that are making the planet warmer and also keeping it away from attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. A report was released suggesting changes to support and analyzed countries’ support to farmers and the consequent adverse impacts on food prices, environment, global warming and farmers, specifically smallholders. The report’s call was not to eliminate support but to repurpose it in such a way that its adverse impacts were negated. Senior research fellow Joseph Glauber said, “Most of the support is in emission-intensive and environment unfriendly sectors. For instance, the beef sector gets massive support and is also highly GHG-intensive. Bring down the support here. Basically, repurpose the support system.” For instance, to meet the Paris Agreement goals, high-income countries needed to shift their massive support to the outsized meat and dairy industry that accounted for 14.5 per cent of global GHG emissions. (Reach 560K) Down to Earth.
Food Systems Summit: ‘Supports to farmers keeping the world away from SDGs and the Paris Agreement’ (Daily Hunt)
September 15, 2021