Sputnik (Russia) published an article on global food security. Division director Rob Vos (Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division) said, is highly unlikely that there is a country that could fill the current gap in global food supply caused by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine after India decided to ban its exports. Last week, India imposed a ban on wheat exports, citing “a sudden spike in the global prices of wheat arising out of many factors” as the primary reason for the restriction. “Unfortunately, we are seeing many countries trying to protect food security by restricting exports or, in the case of food importers, lowering tariffs on imports. We know from past experience, including the global food price crises of 2007-8 and 2010-11, that such trade measures only exacerbate the problem by driving up prices in global markets, which will also hit consumers in the countries conducting such ‘selfish’ policies.” Republished in Urdu Point (India).
Think Tank says unlikely any country can offset wheat export losses after India’s ban (Sputnik)
May 17, 2022