
Journal Article
Fertilizer policy reforms in the midst of crisis: Evidence from Rwanda

Journal Article
Inclusive and gender-transformative seed systems: Concepts and applications

Journal Article
Seed certification, certified seeds use and yield outcomes in Nigeria: Insights from nationally-representative farm panel data and seed company location data
Abdoulaye, Tahirou; Kumar, P. Lava; Wossen, TesfamichealBlogs

‘Miracle seeds,’ informational curses? The risk of high expectations for new agricultural technologies
Using videos to test skewed perceptions of improved crop varieties.

What changed when Ugandan farmers rated input quality and local vendor services
The power of consumer opinion.

What can we really learn from sex-disaggregated data?
Parsing sometimes contradictory responses in household surveys.

IFPRI @ UNCCD 16th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16)
The 16th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) will take place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from December 2 to 13, 2024. IFPRI is pleased to participate in UNCCD COP16, where leaders from governments, the private sector, civil society, and global stakeholders will unite to […]

32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists
The triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE-2024), centred on the theme “Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems” is scheduled from August 2-7, 2024, in New Delhi, India. The conference offers a distinctive platform, providing a golden opportunity for the agricultural academic institutions and researchers to convene in person, exchange knowledge, and actively contribute to the […]

ICTforAg 2024: Localizing impact
Event: May 28, 2024 – 9:00am to 5:00pm EDT. This event explores the localization of ICT, responsible AI in agriculture, the potential for AI to increase farm profitability, empowering citizen science, and harnessing digital solutions for sustainable and regenerative farming practices.
European Union gives €1 million to support the Agriculture pillar of the National Economic Recovery Plan for COVID-19 in Rwanda
The European Commission has provided EUR 1 million to IFPRI to support the Ministry of Agriculture in Rwanda to enhance skills in the analysis of public investment priorities & policy options for the COVID-19 recovery period.
Rwanda government partners with IFPRI programme to accelerate agricultural productivity (Africa Business Communities)
Africa Business Communities published an article on the new IFPRI program, the Rwanda Agricultural Policy Analysis and Capacity Development Program. Rwanda is accelerating its agenda for sustainable development and inclusive growth by reinforcing its emphasis on agriculture, nutrition, and rural transformation. Senior Research Fellow and Head of the new Program, David Spielman said, “The Rwanda […]
Government launches new plan to stave off malnutrition (The New Times)
The New Times (Rwanda) reported on the new Rwanda Strategy Support Program (RSSP). Developed by IFPRI in collaboration with the government of Rwanda, the program seeks to leverage on evidence and policy analysis to accelerate agricultural transformation in Rwanda. Republished in Africa Business Communities.