
Journal Article
Potential decarbonization for balancing local and non-local perishable food supply in megacities

Journal Article
The long-run and intergenerational impact of early exposure to the Great Chinese Famine of 1959–61 on mental health

Journal Article
The role of industrial clustering: From layoff to self-employment after the Chinese state-owned enterprise reform
China Wheat Producer Survey
China Wheat Wholesaler Survey
China Wheat Middlemen Survey

High global phosphate prices pose potential food security risks
Pandemic and Ukraine crisis impacts linger.

How countries have coped with recent agricultural trade disruptions
Lessons from IFPRI research.

Global fertilizer trade 2021-2023: What happened after war-related price spikes
Impacts of shifting market flows.

69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69)
The sixty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place on March 10 to 21, 2025. The main focus of the sixty-ninth session will be on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the […]

Trade disruptions and their impacts on agricultural markets: Looking back and ahead
Global agricultural markets have been in a constant state of uproar over the past 5 years. Trade wars between major trading nations such as China, US and Australia, supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic, Russia’s war in Ukraine, crisis in the Middle East and export restrictions have diverted supplies, altered trading patterns, increased price volatility […]

The 16th China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) – IFPRI Annual Conference
The China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) and IFPRI are delighted to announce the Sixteenth CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference, co-organized with Hunan Agricultural University (HUNAU). The theme of 2024 conference is Bridging Sustainability: Integrating Green Finance for Agricultural and Rural Development. Internationally and nationally renowned scholars have been invited to present and discuss their insights at the […]
IFPRI: Strengthening food resilience in response to crises (Beijing News)
“Food resilience will be a key factor in overcoming various crises,” writes Beijing News (China) in a piece on the launch of the 2023 Global Food Policy Report. Johan Swinnen, director general of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) said that crises, conflicts, and volatility will no longer be the exception but may become […]
Global food prices remain high, food security remains uncertain this year (Epoch Times)
In the new year, the impact of epidemics, wars, droughts, inflation, etc. will continue, and global food security will still face many variables, writes Epoch Times (China) in a report on food prices. According to David Laborde, a senior fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute, 2022 was one of the worst years for […]
Joseph Glauber on China’s agriculture (CGTN America)
CGTN (China) produced a video on YouTube where reporter Gerald Tan talks to senior research fellow Joseph Glauber about China’s agriculture. Glauber said, “China is the largest importer of agricultural products. Not only did imports from the US go up, but also Brazil, European Union, and other suppliers. China has been a big engine for […]

Agricultural Transformation and Policy: What are the policy priorities?
Achieving agricultural transformation in a country – the transformation of an agri-food system from a high prevalence of subsistence farming to high productivity, so that……

Food Security Portal
Volatile food prices, climate-change-driven shocks, conflict, economic downturns, and high population growth continue to raise serious concerns about food security and nutrition in many parts……