
Journal Article
Maize yield responsiveness and profitability of fertilizer: New survey evidence from six African countries

Journal Article
Inclusive and gender-transformative seed systems: Concepts and applications

Conditional contracts in indirect local procurement of maize from smallholder farmers in Uganda: A study design to assess impacts
Irrigation technologies, Use of Solar Pumps and Gendered Impacts
2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Uganda
Survey of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Agri-Food Value Chains: Network-Based Recruitment Approach in Uganda

Strengthening Uganda’s solar pump subsidy program: Key challenges and solutions
Helping smallholders build water security.

Enhancing milk quality in Uganda: Challenges and innovations in the dairy value chain
Improving market incentives.

Training Ugandan coffee farmers on agronomy practices more than pays for itself
Promise for boosting yields and income.

Extraordinary Summit on Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)
IFPRI is pleased to participate in the Extraordinary Summit on Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), organized by the African Union Commission and hosted by the Government of Uganda on January 9 to 11, 2025. The summit will focus on adopting the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Strategy and Acton Plan for 2026-2035. This […]

Rethinking Research and Policy Analysis for Inclusive and Sustainable Food Markets and Value Chains
Virtual Event: October 13, 2022 – 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM CEST. This side event will involve a panel discussion focused on new directions for research and policy to create the evidence base to inform transformative changes in food markets and deliver on the promise of the SDGs.

Multidimensional digitally-enabled agricultural extension in Africa: Accelerating agricultural transformation in the face of global crises
Virtual Event: August 26, 2022 – 6:30 AM to 9:15 AM EDT. This event will highlight trends, good practices, and recommendations for multidimensional, digitally-enables agricultural extension.
Tracking soil health managers in Uganda
IFPRI, CGIAR NEXUS Gains Initiative, and Uganda’s National Agricultural Research Organization undertake a long-term, gender-disaggregated soil health survey in Uganda.
Fertilisers: Chemical or organic, soils need replenishment (Monitor)
“According to IFPRI, while Uganda has one of the highest soil nutrient depletion rates in the world, it has one of the lowest rates of annual inorganic fertilizer application – only 1.8kg per hectare compared to 2.6kg/ha world average, writes The Monitor (Uganda). Soil fertility decline is one of the binding constraints to agricultural growth […]
Agricultural information systems continue to fail women—Videos can make a difference
Nairobi: Over 80 participants gathered today in Nairobi for an event entitled ‘Reaching Small-Scale Women Farmers with Innovative Climate Resilience Strategies.’ The discussion focused on the challenges reported by women farmers in Kenya when it comes to accessing agricultural information, how these challenges intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic, and possible approaches that could bridge this […]