
Opinion Piece
From farm to ship to fork: The role of maritime insurance in facilitating global food trade

Food as the “silent weapon”: Russia’s gains and Ukraine’s losses

From the ground up: Demining farmland and improving access to fertilizer to restore Ukraine’s agricultural production

The war in Ukraine continues to undermine the food security of millions
The struggle to recover amid conflict.

Ukraine and global agricultural markets two years later
A mixed picture for prices and food security.

Impacts of Red Sea shipping disruptions on global food security
Potential fallout from Houthi attacks.

Trade disruptions and their impacts on agricultural markets: Looking back and ahead
Global agricultural markets have been in a constant state of uproar over the past 5 years. Trade wars between major trading nations such as China, US and Australia, supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic, Russia’s war in Ukraine, crisis in the Middle East and export restrictions have diverted supplies, altered trading patterns, increased price volatility […]

How should governments respond to crises? Rapid response using RIAPA modeling system
IFPRI’s foresight modeling systems cover food, land, and water systems across the world’s poorest and most food insecure geographies. Thanks to longstanding investments in these systems, IFPRI is uniquely positioned to provide rapid analysis of the impacts of global or domestic crises on agrifood systems, poverty, and food security at global, regional, national, or subnational […]

From Commitments to Impact: Analyzing the Global Commitments Toward Promoting Food Security and Healthy Diets
Hybrid Event: February 6, 2024 at 9:00am-10:30am EST. This event will shed light on commitments already made, share research results on the potential of current commitments to achieve a focused set of food and nutrition security goals, and foster continued dialogue with global advocacy partners.
Qué está pasando en la guerra: Ucrania desafía a Rusia e impulsa una nueva ruta para transportar cereales en el mar Negro (
What’s going on in the war: Ukraine challenges Russia, promotes new Black Sea grain transport route ( “Several ships have once again set sail from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, despite Russia withdrawing from an agreement that allowed ships to safely pass through those waters to transport grain. They follow the original trade route: a corridor […]
Food prices are rising as countries limit exports. Blame climate change, El Nino and Russia’s war (Associated Press)
“Countries have imposed restrictions on the food they export to protect their own supplies from the combined effect of the war in Ukraine, El Nino’s threat to food production and increasing damage from climate change,” writes the Associated Press. “Tanzania’s onion limits this year are part of the “contagion” of food restrictions from countries spooked by supply […]
Why Is Russia blocking Ukraine’s food exports? (CSIS)
A short, spoken-word summary from CSIS’s Caitlin Welsh on her Critical Questions publication with Joe Glauber (IFPRI) and Emma Dodd (CSIS), “Why Is Russia Blocking Ukraine’s Food Exports?” “Russia’s termination of the Black Sea Grain Initiative (BGSI) will be a main topic of discussion in United Nations General Assembly meetings next week. The United Nations and others continue to […]