
Who we are

With research staff from more than 60 countries, and offices across the globe, IFPRI provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries.

Aulo Gelli

Aulo Gelli is a Senior Research Fellow in the Poverty, Gender, and Inclusion Unit. His main interests and experience are in the intersection of food policy and nutrition, with a particular focus on evaluating the impact of child health and nutrition interventions. Prior to working at IFPRI, Aulo worked as a Research Fellow at Imperial College, as a Policy Analyst at the UK Collaborative on Development Sciences, and as a Statistician at the World Food Programme. 


What we do

Since 1975, IFPRI’s research has been informing policies and development programs to improve food security, nutrition, and livelihoods around the world.

Where we work


Where we work

IFPRI currently has more than 600 employees working in over 80 countries with a wide range of local, national, and international partners.

IFPRI Insights: COVID-19 Special Issue (April 16)

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April 16, 2020
Spotlight on the Coronavirus Outbreak
As the impacts of COVID-19 grow, IFPRI continues to expand its analysis. Blog posts this week include discussions on whether the pandemic will cause another food crisis, potential impacts on diets, and survey results from Ethiopia gauging the effects on vegetable value chains. (Visit Spotlight
Another Food Crisis?: COVID-19 is disrupting economies around the world, but will it cause a food crisis? IFPRI Director General Jo Swinnen says it depends on whether you are rich or poor, and calls for governments to enact policies and programs that target the immediate needs of their poorest citizens. (Read Blog)
Don’t Let Vegetables Fall off the Plate: What does the pandemic mean for diets? Jody Harris (World Vegetable Center) explains how vegetable production, trade, and consumption are particularly affected by COVID-19 because of their highly seasonal nature, high labor needs, perishability, and complex logistics. (Read Blog)
Vegetable Value Chains in Ethiopia: Seneshaw Tamru (International Growth Centre-Ethiopia) and IFPRI’s Kalle Hirvonen and Bart Minten assess the coronavirus’s impact on Ethiopia’s vegetable value chain, finding that urban consumers are eating less fruits and vegetables while farmers face lower prices and reduced access to inputs. (Read Blog)
 India and the evolution of the disease here will offer the world some really critical insights on how…a fairly high level of undernutrition, especially among children, is going to impact on the susceptibility of the disease as well as the health impacts….Research investments to understand the impact of policy measures on outcomes as critical as malnutrition will be crucial.”- Purnima Menon, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI (COVID-19: Implications for Global and Country-Level Food Security, Nutrition, and Poverty, April 14, 2020)

Coming Soon: COVID Podcast Episode
Stay tuned for IFPRI’s special COVID podcast episode, scheduled for release next week. The episode features Xiaobo Zhang and Rob Vos talking about how their teams are conducting research in an era of lockdowns and social distancing. 
To receive regular updates on IFPRI’s newest and most relevant research, events, and more.
For further analyses on the impact of COVID-19 on food and nutrition security in South Asia please see the IFPRI South Asia Newsletter: COVID-19 Special Edition

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