HarvestPlus, a program co-led by IFPRI and CIAT, is dedicated to ending hunger through providing nutrient-rich foods. Through biofortification, HarvestPlus adds micronutrients to the diets of those who are generally lacking in these nutrients. With the help of their partners, HarvestPlus develops new and more nutritious types of staple foods that combat undernutrition with higher amounts of vitamin A, iron or zinc.

Case Study
Biofortification: Conventional plant breeding to increase the nutrient density of commonly consumed staple foods

Journal Article
Modeling and simulation of recurrent phenotypic and genomic selections in plant breeding under the presence of epistasis

Journal Article
Increased iron status during a feeding trial of iron-biofortified beans increases physical work efficiency in Rwandan women

The changing challenges of hidden hunger: Micronutrients within the nutrition and development landscapes
Current global challenges in malnutrition and other development goals call for integrated, multi-sectoral approaches focusing on the entire food system, leading to healthier and sustainable diets for all. Among these challenges is micronutrient deficiency, known as “hidden hunger.” Micronutrients—vitamins and minerals needed in only very small quantities but with huge impacts on human health and […]

Accelerating the End of Hunger and Malnutrition
Improving food security and nutrition is critical to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, but the world is not on track to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030. How can we accelerate progress in transforming our agri-food systems to meet the needs of the hungry and malnourished? This global learning event will bring together decision makers, […]

US Presentation of “Nutrition and food systems—A report by The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE)”
Opening Remarks Report Overview Commentators Moderator Worldwide, one person in three is malnourished today and one in two could be malnourished by 2030 if nothing is done. While hunger remains a critical concern, overweight and obesity are rapidly increasing all over the world, including in low-income countries. Therefore malnutrition in all its forms – undernutrition, […]

Potential impact of zinc-enriched rice on zinc intakes in Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines
Nutritional benefits of enhanced biofortification.

Addressing the global, life-long health impacts of zinc deficiency: A call to action
What an array of studies shows about a key nutritional challenge

ENRICH project: Educating communities on the benefits of biofortified crops and nutrition-smart agriculture
Twenty years of HarvestPlus programs have a lasting impact.