
Working Paper
Global rice market: Current outlook and future prospects

Working Paper
Food trade policy and food price volatility

Working Paper
Role of international price and domestic inflation in triggering export restrictions on food commodities

How countries have coped with recent agricultural trade disruptions
Lessons from IFPRI research.

India lifts export restrictions on rice
Assessing impacts on global markets and African consumers.

After a year, India’s rice export restrictions continue to fuel high prices
A key staple for low-income consumers in sub-Saharan Africa and other regions.

ICTforAg 2024: Localizing impact
Event: May 28, 2024 – 9:00am to 5:00pm EDT. This event explores the localization of ICT, responsible AI in agriculture, the potential for AI to increase farm profitability, empowering citizen science, and harnessing digital solutions for sustainable and regenerative farming practices.

Implications of El Niño 2023/24 for Africa South of the Sahara
Virtual Event: November 29, 2023 at 7:30am-9:00am EST. IFPRI in collaboration with USAID FEWS NET and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, is hosting a presentation on the potential impact of the upcoming El Niño on the global agrifood system, with special emphasis on low-income countries in Africa South of the Sahara. The event will be organized around four short talks.

A Look at Global Rice Markets: Export Restrictions, El Niño, and Price Controls
Virtual IFPRI-AMIS Seminar Series: October 18, 2023 at 9:00am-10:30am EDT. At an August meeting of ASEAN countries, leaders committed to maintain an unimpeded flow of agricultural products and refrain from using “unjustified” trade barriers. However, these commitments may be undermined by a strengthening El Niño in the Pacific, which threatens to cut the rice production of key Asian suppliers and push prices sharply higher. This webinar will provide a brief update on the global rice situation.
Red Sea attacks reverberate in food and ag trade (Successful Farming)
Successful Farming quotes the IFPRI blog post on the Impacts of Red Sea shipping disruptions on global food security by senior research fellow Joseph Glauber and senior research analyst Abdullah Mamun. According to the article, Houthi attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea are disrupting grain shipments from Europe, Ukraine, and Russia. “Trade disruptions are most likely to impact […]
Asia’s rice squeeze after India export ban: 4 things to know (Nikkei Asia)
Nikkei Asia quotes Abdullah Mamun, a senior research analyst at the International Food Policy Research Institute, in an article analyzing the reaction of Asian markets on the recent India’s rice export ban. “India’s decision last month to ban exports of rice sent shock waves through the Asian market for the staple food, inflating August prices by […]
The soaring price of rice is affecting many parts of the world where it’s the staple diet (NPR)
Abdullah Al Mamun (IFPRI) spoke with NPR about the Indian export policies and what prompted the disruption in rice crops over the past year.