
Journal Article
Rural institutions and the technical efficiency of teff production in Ethiopia

Journal Article
Fertilizer and conflicts: Evidence from Myanmar

Journal Article
In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health: The continuous rise in adoption of labour-saving agricultural technologies in Myanmar

Resource-poor rice farmers in Myanmar suffer double impact from political conflict
Productivity erodes amid turmoil.

Impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on vegetable value chains in Ethiopia
As restrictions take effect, a survey shows reductions in food trade and consumption.

2019 Global Food Policy Report Ethiopia Launch: Achieving rural Africa’s inclusive transformation
Ethiopia's rural areas are at risk. Revitalizing them, and rural regions across Africa, requires a sustained strategic effort.

32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists
The triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE-2024), centred on the theme “Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems” is scheduled from August 2-7, 2024, in New Delhi, India. The conference offers a distinctive platform, providing a golden opportunity for the agricultural academic institutions and researchers to convene in person, exchange knowledge, and actively contribute to the […]

2022 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting
Virtual Event: July 31, 2022 – 10:00 AM to August 2, 2022 – 6:15 PM PDT. IFPRI is participating in the 2022 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting.

Retail food prices at the country level and implications for food security
Virtual Event: March 29, 2022 – 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM EDT. How are rising food prices, further aggravated by the invasion of Ukraine, being transmitted at the country level? This policy seminar will examine how global commodity prices are transmitted at the national level and what other country-specific aspects influence retail prices.
The global food system, under pressure (ARA Newspaper)
ARA Newspaper (Spain) published an article on the current food supply. Globally, from Peru to the US, tons of vegetables and dairy are thrown in the trash while some countries limit exports. Senior Research Fellow Bart Minten stated, “Africa is heavily dependent on food imports, especially rice and cereals. Last year’s harvests were very good and there are enough reserves in […]
Will the latest superfood come from Africa? Ethiopian traditional fruit is a dream to avoid wheat – and it was already patented in Europe (YLE)
Finland’s YLE released an article highlighting the country’s gluten-free crop, teff, gaining traction as a superfood, essential ingredient, and top export. Senior Research Fellow Bart Minten and Research Fellow Kalle Hirvonen were interviewed in the article, cautioning major exportation of the crop as it would increase domestic prices for Ethiopians.
NEW BOOK: Higher Investments in Research, Adoption of New Technologies to Improve Productivity and Export Potential of Teff
Addis Ababa: Ethiopia could increase production of its gluten-free and nutrient-rich cash crop teff, and tap into the expanding domestic and international markets, by ramping up investments in basic research; adopting new and better technologies; improving input distribution systems; and extending markets , according to a new book launched by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Addis Ababa today. “Teff makes a considerable contribution to Ethiopians’ incomes and food security, and has potential to provide […]