Building pathways out of poverty in Baidoa, Somalia: Qualitative evidence around resilience in the context of flood shocks
Building pathways out of poverty in Baidoa: A randomized controlled trial: Evidence from the midline survey
Working Paper
Can gender- and nutrition-sensitive agricultural programs improve resilience? Medium-term impacts of an intervention in Bangladesh
Graduation from poverty: Can a big push program help conflict-affected households? Evidence from Somalia
Moving from assistance to self-sufficiency.
Building pathways out of poverty: Midline findings from a randomized controlled trial
This webinar will provide evidence around the effects of the Ultra Poor Graduation program implemented in Baidoa, Somalia by World Vision and funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). The project seeks to enable ultra-poor internally displaced households to graduate from extreme poverty and begin an upward trajectory […]