
Building pathways out of poverty in Baidoa: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial at endline

Blog Post
Graduation from poverty: Can a big push program help conflict-affected households? Evidence from Somalia

Can social assistance reduce violent conflict and civil unrest? Evidence from a large-scale public works program in Ethiopia

Graduation from poverty: Can a big push program help conflict-affected households? Evidence from Somalia
Moving from assistance to self-sufficiency.

Do ultra-poor graduation programs build resilience against droughts? Evidence from rural Ethiopia
Safety nets can buttress households against climate shocks.

Can phone surveys be used in standard poverty measurement? Evidence from Ethiopia
An experiment suggests survey fatigue can skew results.

Improving Diets and Nutrition through Food Systems: What Will it Take? A Dialogue on IFPRI’s 2024 Global Food Policy Report
IFPRI’s 2024 Global Food Policy flagship publication arrives at a pivotal moment, as the importance of addressing food systems for better nutrition continues to gain global recognition. With United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 29th Conference of the Parties taking place in November, the SUN Global Gathering on the horizon and the Nutrition […]

SPIR II Learning Event
May 16 and 17, 2023 (9:00am – 5:00pm Addis Ababa): The Strengthen PSNP5 Institutions and Resilience (SPIR II) Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) in Ethiopia is a five-year project (2021-2026) that supports implementation of the fifth phase of the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP5) in Amhara and Oromia regions and provides additional graduation model programming through complementary gender-sensitive livelihood, nutrition, and climate resilience activities to strengthen the program and expand its impacts.

Rethinking Food Crisis Responses
Virtual Event: May 11, 2023 – 5:00 AM to 8:45 AM EDT. Please join the Nigeria presentation of the Report and the launch of the FCM Initiative on May 11 in Abuja, Nigeria, in person or virtually.
Evidence from 22 African countries shows low trust in authorities is affecting vaccine uptake )The Print)
The Print published an op-ed by Senior research fellow Kalle Hirvonen and his co-authors that states while immunization saves millions of lives each year, progress in vaccine coverage remains highly uneven, both between and within countries. Despite considerable progress over the past two decades, the situation is particularly worrying in Africa. Nearly half of the world’s unvaccinated and under-vaccinated children […]
The height of the Chinese is the highest in East Asia, so who is at the bottom? (The Paper)
The Paper (China) published an article that referenced the IFPRI research on stunting in children, Evaluation of linear growth at higher altitudes (Jama Pediatrics). The study analyzed the height and age data of more than 950,000 children from 59 countries and showed that the growth rate of children living in an ideal family environment is the same as that of […]
Living in high altitude areas, children are more prone to developmental delays ( published an article on about new research on stunting in higher altitudes. According to Senior Research Fellow Kalle Hirvonen, “More than 800 million people live at altitudes of 1,500 meters or higher, and two-thirds of them live in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. These two regions have most of the stunted children in the world, so understand that altitude […]