
Journal Article
Designing and implementing experiments within local bureaucratic systems: A cautionary tale from an educator incentive program

Strengthening women’s voice and agency in Nigeria: Evidence from a randomized control trial on women’s advocacy and men’s allyship trainings

Enhancing women’s economic empowerment in rural Nigeria through advocacy trainings

How anticipatory action can empower women in disaster-prone areas
How assistance programs can catalyze improvements in gender equality.

Podcast discussion: Partnerships as the path to stability in fragile settings
Bridging science and policy for effective humanitarian action.

Inspirational filmmaking to raise women’s voice and agency in the construction of assets for climate resilience in India
Compelling personal stories as a learning and motivational tool.

IFPRI @ CGIAR Science Week
When humanity has faced its greatest challenges, science and innovation have provided solutions. Today, major and connected global challenges threaten the sustainability of food, land, and water systems, with the most vulnerable people and communities at greatest risk. Recognizing the urgency of these challenges, CGIAR and the Kenyan Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) are […]

69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69)
The sixty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place on March 10 to 21, 2025. The main focus of the sixty-ninth session will be on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the […]

Learning Support for a Multi-Country Climate Resilience Programme for Food Security
The Learning Support for a Sub-Saharan Africa Multi-Country Climate Resilience Program for Food Security, launched in 2023, aims to enhance food security and climate resilience across 14 African countries. This collaboration among CGIAR, the World Food Programme, and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) has three pillars: scaling disaster risk financing, transforming food systems […]
IFPRI: Strengthening food resilience in response to crises (Beijing News)
“Food resilience will be a key factor in overcoming various crises,” writes Beijing News (China) in a piece on the launch of the 2023 Global Food Policy Report. Johan Swinnen, director general of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) said that crises, conflicts, and volatility will no longer be the exception but may become […]
Feeling relatively poor increases support for women in the workplace (The Conversation)
The Conversation published an op-ed by senior research fellow Katrina Kosec and Cecilia Hyunjung Mo. In the op-ed, the authors write, “Feeling poor relative to others can spur families to support women in pursuing work outside the household and to invest more in girls’ schooling, according to our new study (Perceptions of relative deprivation and women’s empowerment). But that does not mean women become […]
When Knowledge Is Power (Project Syndicate)
Project Syndicate published an opinion piece co-authored by Senior Research Fellow, Katrina Kosec. In the article, Kosec argues information could help to improve governance, infrastructure, and service delivery, but to do so, it must meet a few conditions. (Underlying paper: World development special issue: Information, governance, and rural service delivery.
- American Political Science Association Deil S. Wright Best Paper Award, Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations Section, 2021
- CGIAR Gender Platform Methods Module Grant, “Empowerment Beyond the Household: Measuring and Comparing the Collective Agency of Groups and Individuals” ($250,000), 2021-2022
- CGIAR Gender Platform Evidence Module Grant, “Promoting Women’s Empowerment in Value Chains in Papua New Guinea and Cambodia” ($200,000), 2022
- CGIAR Gender Platform Methods Module Grant, “Gender in Rural Institutions and Governance: A Review of Existing Tools” ($40,000), 2021-2022
- EGAP, “Overcoming Barriers to Women’s Political Participation through Advocacy Training: A Field Experiment on Local Governance in Myanmar” ($300,000), 2020-2022
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), “Using Experiential Learning Tools with Women and Men to Achieve Sustainable Water Governance in India” (1,200,000 Euros), 2020-2022
- International Growth Centre (IGC), “Mechanisms for Increasing the Accountability of Teachers and Schools in Rural Pakistan to Improve Learning Outcomes” (191,000 GBP), 2016-2019
- U.S. Agency for International Development Conflict & Development Center, “Mechanisms for Strengthening Accountability to the Rural Poor: Evidence from Public Expenditures in Mali” ($40,000), 2015-2016
- Lead P.I., 3ie Social Protection Thematic Window Grant, “Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Community-Based Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Tanzania” ($612,000), 2012-2016
- International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Strategic Innovations Fund Award ($50,000), 2012
- Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) Dissertation Fellowship, 2010 – 2011
- Best Paper Award, NYU Alexander Hamilton Center for Political Economy Conference, 2008
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (Economics), 2006 – 2010
- Fulbright Fellowship, 2003
- Outstanding Undergraduate Honors Thesis Award (School of Foreign Service), 2003
- Toyota Community Scholars Award ($20,000 scholarship recognizing community service), 1999-2003