
Journal Article
Stories of change in nutrition: Lessons from a new generation of studies from Africa, Asia and Europe

Journal Article
The effect of electronic job aid assisted one-to-one counselling to support exclusive breastfeeding among 0–5-month-old infants in rural Bangladesh

Journal Article
Conflict of interest in nutrition: Where’s the power? Comment on “Towards preventing and managing conflict of interest in nutrition policy? An analysis of submissions to a consultation on a draft WHO tool”

Lessons from the AIDS epidemic on how COVID-19 may impact food and nutrition security
Poverty, malnutrition, weak healthcare systems, and other factors will complicate the response to the pandemic.

Focus on the political and commercial drivers behind the double burden of malnutrition
The products and practices of many transnational food companies continue to drive the problem, as their corporate social responsibility people argue for a seat at the table.

Principles, practice, and the private sector’s role in malnutrition: Time to review red lines?
How should government agencies and development and nutrition professionals engage with businesses?

Delivering for Nutrition in South Asia: Transforming Diets
Hybrid Event: November 9, 2022 – 4:30 PM to November 10, 2022 – 6:30 PM GMT. The purpose of this conference is to synthesize relevant evidence and stimulate dialogue to inform and guide policy and program initiatives in South Asia for improving equitable access to and consumption of healthy diets.

Micronutrient Forum: 5th Global Conference
IFPRI is participating in the Micronutrient Forum’s 5th Global Conference on “Building New Evidence and Alliances for Improving Nutrition.” Food systems are at the heart of determining what people eat. Micronutrients are at the heart of the potential of food systems to deliver optimal health. The 2020 Micronutrient Forum conference will continue to cover the broad […]

Together for Nutrition: West African Data Forum
The objective of this forum is to convene key actors who engage with or support the data value chain for nutrition in the West Africa region, in order to:
Look back and learn: How past pandemics and epidemics inform COVID-19 response (The New Humanitarian)
The New Humanitarian published an article on eight takeaways from 25 years of reporting on global health crises. The article referenced the IFPRI book, HIV/AIDs and food and nutrition security by Senior Research Fellow Stuart Gillespie and Suneetha Kadiyala on how the “destructive relationship” between HIV/AIDS and hunger became clear. IFPRI measured the impact of the disease on household-level income, especially for those who depended on farming.
Targeting and prioritization of impoverished and food-insecure populations affected by COVID-19: Safeguarding and scaling up assistance for people most at risk – May 2020 (Relief Web)
Relief Web reports on the recent World Food Program report. The report focused on targeting and prioritization of impoverished and food-insecure populations affected by COVID-19. This report quotes Stuart Gillespie and Alan Whiteside’s IFPRI blog on How COVID-19 may impact food and nutrition security as well as David Laborde, Will Martin, and Rob Vos’s IFPRI blog on Growth of poverty and food insecurity. Republished in Nigeria News Shafaqna.
Caring for good food (El Pais)
El Pais published an op-ed by Senior Research Fellow Stuart Gillespie. Gillespie offers hopeful recommendations. “We are facing a critical moment in history when we can turn adversity into an advantage and build a better world. To do this we need to transform global and national food systems and put the health of people and the planet ahead of short-term benefit.”