The Malawi Strategy Support Program (MaSSP), established in 2009, promotes evidence-based dialogue and decision-making among government and policy partners by providing technical and analytical support generated from rigorous research. This work is organized around four long-running themes that address issues relevant to current agricultural policy in Malawi: agricultural markets, priorities for agricultural investment, rural transformation, and social protection.
Examples of our recent policy impact include MaSSP’s membership on the Strategic Grain Reserve committee, which authorizes the use of the Reserve to stabilize prices or for humanitarian relief; technical backing of an ongoing reform of Malawi’s agricultural input subsidy program, requested by the Minister of Agriculture; a study for the National Planning Commission on using modern value chains to develop secondary cities across Malawi; and capacity building at the Ministry of Finance on modeling economic impacts of policy reforms.
MaSSP is currently co-funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Flanders, and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
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