
Who we are

With research staff from more than 60 countries, and offices across the globe, IFPRI provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries.

Loty Diop

Loty Diop is a Senior Research Analyst in the Nutrition, Health, and Diets Unit, based in Dakar, Senegal, where she works on projects that tackle food security and acute malnutrition. These projects involve assessing the nutritional status and micronutrient adequacy of the diets of vulnerable populations, as well as conducting in-depth analyses of the food environment.


What we do

Since 1975, IFPRI’s research has been informing policies and development programs to improve food security, nutrition, and livelihoods around the world.

Where we work


Where we work

IFPRI currently has more than 600 employees working in over 80 countries with a wide range of local, national, and international partners.

Country program Myanmar

Myanmar Strategy Support Program

rice sprout ready to growing in the rice field



Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities

2024Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; Minten, Bart

Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities

Myanmar has endured multiple crises in recent years — including COVID-19, global price instability, the 2021 coup, and widespread conflict — that have disrupted and even reversed a decade of economic development. Household welfare has declined severely, with more than 3 million people displaced and many more affected by high food price inflation and worsening diets. Yet Myanmar’s agrifood production and exports have proved surprisingly resilient. Myanmar’s Agrifood System: Historical Development, Recent Shocks, Future Opportunities provides critical analyses and insights into the agrifood system’s evolution, current state, and future potential. This work fills an important knowledge gap for one of Southeast Asia’s major agricultural economies — one largely closed to empirical research for many years. It is the culmination of a decade of rigorous empirical research on Myanmar’s agrifood system, including through the recent crises. Written by IFPRI researchers and colleagues from Michigan State University, the book’s insights can serve as a to guide immediate humanitarian assistance and inform future growth strategies, once a sustainable resolution to the current crisis is found that ensures lasting peace and good governance.

Year published



Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; Minten, Bart


Boughton, Duncan; Belton, Ben; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; and Minten, Bart (Eds.). 2024. Myanmar’s agrifood system: Historical development, recent shocks, future opportunities. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.




Asia; South-eastern Asia; Agrifood Systems; Development; Economic Shock; Governance




Open AccessCC-BY-4.0

Record type


The Myanmar Strategy Support Program (Myanmar SSP) aims to enhance the national capacity to conduct research and prioritize strategic reforms that improve food security and nutrition in Myanmar. Through a multi-faceted and multidisciplinary research program designed to anticipate and monitor the impacts of multiple crises on household welfare and the agrifood system, Myanmar SSP provides rapid assessments that inform programming and investments for development partners, civil society, and the private sector. Moreover, working collaboratively with national researchers in academic institutions, it aims to fill the knowledge gap on the agrifood system, while developing the technical capacity of the next generation of national leaders to conduct research, strategic analysis and promote evidence-based policy making to support agricultural transformation and other broad development goals in Myanmar.

The Feed the Future Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis (MAPSA), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is Myanmar SSP’s flagship project. The project is led by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), in partnership with Michigan State University (MSU).  MAPSA generates data and analysis of the agri-food system and food security outcomes to guide efforts to support the people of Myanmar and ensure resilience. Activities focus on enhancing resilience in the near term and preserve a foundation for the inclusive growth and transformation of the agri-food system in the medium term. 

The Agrifood Value Chain Development in Myanmar: Implications for Livelihoods of the Rural Poor (AFVC) project, funded by the Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT) aims to promote inclusive agricultural productivity growth, improved nutritional outcomes, and enhanced livelihood resilience for men and women through an improved policy enabling environment. Activities focus on monitoring the impact of multiple crises on household livelihoods and welfare to inform development partners and civil society on the evolution of the agrifood system and its implications. This project is led by Michigan State University (MSU) in partnership with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

To learn more, visit the IFPRI Myanmar website.




Team members

Bart Minten

Senior Research Fellow/ Program Leader of the Myanmar Strategy Support Program, Development
Strategies and Governance

Bart Minten

Senior Research Fellow/ Program Leader of the Myanmar Strategy Support Program, Development
Strategies and Governance

Derek Headey

Senior Research Fellow, Development
Strategies and Governance

Ian Masias

Program Head, Development
Strategies and Governance

Kristi Mahrt

Senior Research Analyst, Development
Strategies and Governance

The Programs

  • Kutubdia Island in the Bay of Bengal

    Bangladesh Policy Research and Strategy Support Program

    Improving food and nutrition security is of paramount concern to millions in Bangladesh.

  • Wuxi, the fast growing city that was formerly known as White Horse Village.

    China Strategy Support Program

    Supports joint research & capacity strengthening as well as policy dialogues & communication to improve policymaking.

  • Farm land in Giza in Egypt

    Egypt Strategy Support Program

    Egypt SSP's main objective is to raise incomes of the rural poor and to improve food and nutrition security in Egypt.

  • Gayo village, Ethiopia

    Ethiopia Strategy Support Program

    ESSP is a collaborative program undertaken by IFPRI and the Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI)

  • amevi-wisdom-wiul_nyafcy-unsplash

    Ghana Strategy Support Program

    Conduct research & advise on policy to support agricultural growth, rural development & economic transformation.

  • Local vendors selling vegetables at a market in Kenya,Africa

    Kenya Strategy Support Program

    KSSP is a policy research, capacity strengthening and policy communication program with the main objectives to accelerate poverty reduction and to improve food security.

  • Mitundu Market, Lilongwe, Malawi

    Malawi Strategy Support Program

    This project facilitates and promotes evidence-based dialogue and decision-making in support of agricultural development, food security, and economic growth in Malawi.

  • Country program Myanmar

    Myanmar Strategy Support Program

    The project supports agricultural transformation and other development policy goals by enhancing national technical, institutional, and policy analysis capacities.

  • Nigeria Strategy Support Program

    NSSP responds to the research, analysis, and capacity needs of stakeholders in the Nigerian agricultural research and policy community.

  • Papua New Guinea Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition Policy Support Program

    The Papua New Guinea Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition Policy Support Program (PNG-AFNP) is an initiative aligned with the Government of Papua New Guinea’s vision to revitalize and transform its agricultural sector to improve economic opportunities, livelihoods, and food security.

  • Fertile field at sunset in the countryside (Rwanda/ Africa)

    Rwanda Strategy Support Program

    Rwanda SSP is an initiative aligned with the Government of Rwanda’s vision to accelerate agricultural transformation and rural development in Rwanda.

  • A sunset view of river Nile in Khartoum, Sudan

    Sudan Strategy Support Program

    The Sudan Country Strategy Support Program (CSSP), with key team members based in Khartoum, can provide needed analytical support to the Government of Sudan, local and international partners.