IFPRI Publications: Discussion Papers
Explore Our Latest Discussion Papers
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Working Paper
Impact of risk-contingent credit and traditional credit on smallholders’ agricultural investment and productivity: Experimental evidence from Kenya
Working Paper
Characteristics of community seed schemes for grains and legumes: Insights from northern Nigeria
Working Paper
Rainy day funds? How men and women adapt to heavy rainfall shocks and the role of cash transfers in Mali
Working Paper
Rethinking the measurement of resilience for food and nutrition security
Working Paper
Price and volatility transmission from international to domestic food and fertilizer markets in Central America
Working Paper
How can anticipatory action programming support women? Application of the reach-benefit-empower-transform framework in Nepal and Nigeria
Working Paper
A mixed-method study on gender and intrahousehold differences in food consumption from Khatlon Province, Tajikistan
Working Paper
Supply- and demand-side factors affecting maize and cowpea varietal turnover and quality seed use: Mixed-method evidence from northern Nigeria
Working Paper
Catalyzing financial inclusion: Using incentives to promote mobile money use in Ethiopia
Working Paper
Soft-skills training, locus of control, and labor market outcomes of youth: Evidence from a randomized intervention in Kenya
Working Paper
Financial inclusion, agricultural inputs use, and household food security evidence from Nigeria
Working Paper
Adapting to climate change: The case of saline tolerant seed varieties in coastal Bangladesh
Working Paper
Gendered drivers of varietal turnover: A qualitative assessment for improved teff and wheat varieties in Ethiopia
Working Paper
Challenges and opportunities in Nigeria’s home-grown school feeding program: Toward a more efficient and sustainable model
Working Paper
Targeting social assistance in fragile settings: An experiment on community-based targeting
Working Paper
Impacts of an innovative credit + insurance bundle for marginalized farmers: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial in Odisha, India
Working Paper
Irrigation schemes in Ethiopia’s Awash River Basin: An examination of physical, knowledge, and governance infrastructures
Working Paper
Systematic risk profiling: A novel approach with applications to Kenya, Rwanda, and Malawi
Working Paper
Evaluation of the programme to reduce vulnerability in coastal fishing areas in Djibouti: Qualitative findings
Working Paper
Farming for the future: Prioritization of climate-smart agriculture technologies in SAARC countries
Working Paper
Understanding the organizational approaches of funders and project implementers to strengthen women’s empowerment through agricultural collectives
Working Paper
Does nutrition-sensitive social protection build longer-term resilience? Experimental evidence from Bangladesh
Working Paper
The adoption and impact of food safety measures on smallholder dairy farmers’ economic welfare: Evidence from the Indo-Gangetic plains of India.
Working Paper
Varietal turnover in potato and its effect on yield: Evidence from household surveys in India
Working Paper
A guide to developing quantitative tools for measuring gender norms in agrifood systems
Working Paper
Modeling crop-livestock interactions in semi-subsistence economies
Working Paper
Task or time? Comparing methods for measuring the gender distribution of work
Working Paper
The agricultural transformation index
Working Paper
Cooperation among community leaders: The role of women’s leadership and exposure to conflict
Working Paper
How do videos fit into current agricultural advisory services? Lessons from Kenya and Uganda
Working Paper
Strengthening women’s empowerment, climate resilience, and nutrition along the goat value chain in Senegal: A qualitative study
Working Paper
Unlocking locally-led resilience amid conflict and climate stress: Views from community leaders in Mali on development priorities, aid distribution, and anticipatory action
Working Paper
To defer or differ: Experimental evidence on the role of cash transfers on Nigerian couples’ decision-making
Working Paper
Making the CAADP BR forward looking: A decision support tool for transforming African agrifood systems
Working Paper
The true costs of food production in Kenya and Viet Nam
Working Paper
Estimating multidimensional development resilience
Working Paper
Can farmer collectives empower women and improve their welfare? Mixed methods evidence from India
Working Paper
The unmet financial needs of intermediary firms within agri-food value chains in Uganda and Bangladesh
Working Paper
Addressing food system transformation, food security, and deforestation in Indonesia: Challenges and opportunities
Working Paper
Quality upgrading in dairy value chains: Mixed methods evidence from southwestern Uganda
Working Paper
Revisiting the demand and profitability of chemical fertilizers amid global fuel-food-fertilizer crisis: Evidence from Ethiopia
Working Paper
The effectiveness of cash and cash plus interventions on livelihoods outcomes: Evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis
Working Paper
Farmer groups as ICT Hubs: Findings from a cluster-randomized controlled trial in Malawi
Working Paper
Two decades after Maputo, What’s in the CAADP ten percent? Determinants and effects of the composition of government agriculture expenditure in Africa
Working Paper
Barriers and facilitators to women’s participation in farmer producer organizations: A qualitative study exploring women’s empowerment and collective efficacy in Jharkhand, India
Working Paper
Buyers’ response to third-party quality certification: Theory and evidence from Ethiopian wheat traders
Working Paper
Social protection and gender: policy, practice and research
Working Paper
Measuring land rental market participation in smallholder agriculture can survey design innovations improve land market participation statistics?
Working Paper
A network-driven data collection approach for agri-food value chains
Working Paper
Measuring women’s empowerment in national surveys: Development of the Women’s Empowerment Metric for National Statistical Systems (WEMNS)
Cheong, Yuk Fai; Yount, Kathryn M.; Hassan, Md. Zahidul; Hassan, Md. Imrul; Sharma, Sudhindra; Pokhrel, Pankaj; Sagastume, Mónica Dardón; Kanyanda, Shelton S. E.; Vundru, Wilbert D.; Moylan, HeatherWorking Paper
Assessing the impact of rice price stabilization policies in Bangladesh: Results from a stochastic spatial equilibrium model
Working Paper
The enabling environment for large-scale food fortification in Madagascar
Working Paper
Food trade policy and food price volatility
Working Paper
Economic valuation of ecosystem services of selected interventions in agriculture in India
Working Paper
Nutrition-sensitive agriculture diversification and dietary diversity: Panel data evidence from Tajikistan
Working Paper
Claim-making under India’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA): Barriers and opportunities for women’s voice and agency over asset selection
Working Paper
A qualitative study exploring women’s empowerment in coffee cooperatives in Chiapas, Mexico
Working Paper
Role of international price and domestic inflation in triggering export restrictions on food commodities
Working Paper
Farm subsidies and global agricultural productivity
Working Paper
Corporate taxes and labor market informality evidence from China
Working Paper
Assessing the vulnerability of national food security to international food price shocks: A new index
Working Paper
The economic importance of cowpea in Nigeria trends and Implications for achieving agri-food system transformation
Working Paper
Strengthening groundwater governance in Pakistan
Working Paper
Climate change and agriculture in eastern and southern Africa: An updated assessment based on the latest global climate models
Working Paper
From promises to action: Analyzing global commitments on food security and diets since 2015
Working Paper
Extreme weather and undernutrition: A critical but constructive review of the literature
Working Paper
The SDGs and food system challenges: Global trends and scenarios toward 2030
Working Paper
Small-scale irrigation protects farmers from climate-extreme events: Insights from the 2015/2016 ENSO in Ethiopia
Working Paper
Double-booked: Effects of overlap between school and farming calendars on education and child labor
Working Paper
Evaluation of the value chain development program in Nigeria: Qualitative findings
Working Paper
When women hold local office: Women’s representation and political engagement amid conflict and climate shocks across Africa
Working Paper
Remoteness, farm production, and dietary diversity in Nepal
Working Paper
Ecosystem services may provide large economic values in Kenya and Vietnam: A value transfer application based on results from a systematic literature review
Working Paper
The economywide impacts of increasing water security through policies on agricultural production: The case of rice and sugarcane in Pakistan
Working Paper
Closing the gendered energy technology gap in rural Ethiopia: A qualitative study
Working Paper
Can gender- and nutrition-sensitive agricultural programs improve resilience? Medium-term impacts of an intervention in Bangladesh
Working Paper
Intervening in complex agrifood systems: Assessing outcomes of a multistakeholder approach in central Mozambique
Working Paper
Gender, deliberation, and natural resource governance: Experimental evidence from Malawi
Working Paper
A conceptual framework of living labs for people for sustainable food systems
Zhou, Yunyi; Chen, Kevin Z.; Pham, Thuy Thu; Rodríguez, Luz Ángela; Venegas, MarthaWorking Paper
Development and Validation of Women’s Empowerment in Migration Index (WEMI)
Working Paper
The role of gender in bargaining: Evidence for selling seed to smallholders in Uganda
Working Paper
Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov) assessment framework: A pilot study in Nigeria
Working Paper
Modeling the economywide effects of water and energy interventions in the face of climate change
Working Paper
Understanding intra-household food allocation rules: Evidence from a randomized social safety net intervention in Bangladesh
Working Paper
COVID-19 and livelihoods in rural Guatemala: Lessons from a long term assessment and the path to recovery
Working Paper
Welfare implications of public expenditure in Indian agriculture: New evidence from CS-ARDL Approach
Working Paper
Evaluating the gendered credit constraints and uptake of an insurance-linked credit product
Working Paper
Aflatoxin contamination of maize flour in Kenya: Results from multi-city, multi-round surveillance
Working Paper
Nutrition-sensitive food distribution amidst inflationary shock: Evidence from a randomized intervention in Egypt
Working Paper
Public expenditure and growth dynamics in Indian agriculture: Trends, structural breaks, and linkages
Working Paper
Trends and determinants of India’s virtual water trade in crop products
Working Paper
Men can cook: Effectiveness of a light-touch men’s engagement intervention to change attitudes and behaviors in rural Ethiopia
Working Paper
Reverting to traditional views of gender during times of relative deprivation: An experimental study in Nepal
Working Paper
C’est la vie! Mixed impacts of an edutainment television series in West Africa
Working Paper
Income aspirations, migration, and investments on and off the farm: Evidence from rural Tajikistan
Working Paper
Including scalable nutrition interventions in a graduation model program: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia
Working Paper
Development of a Women’s Empowerment metric for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WE-WASH)
Chilalika, Joan; Kamwaba-Mtethiwa, Jean; Chirwa, Gowokani Chijere; Simkoko, Abigail; Chilungo, Abdallah; Upadhyaya, Rachana; Pradhan, Meeta S.; Joshi, Nira; Shrestha, SanishWorking Paper
Resilience in farm technical efficiency and enabling factors: Insights from panel farm enterprise surveys in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Working Paper
Do ultra-poor graduation programs build resilience against droughts? Evidence from rural Ethiopia
Working Paper