
Journal Article
Using best-worst scaling to inform agroecological interventions in Western Kenya

Working Paper
Nature-positive agriculture for people and the planet: A qualitative analysis from Kenya

Nature-Positive Solutions Initiative survey report: Colombia

Developing Local Extension Capacity (DLEC) project: Finding more effective ways to deliver vital information and innovation to farmers
Helping smallholders tap new technologies.

Photo essay: Talking to farmers in Malawi to understand how to improve agricultural cooperative performance
Focus groups and other approaches help clarify what works.

Unleashing the power of young agripreneurs
A key to improving economic prospects in rural areas around the world.

Multidimensional digitally-enabled agricultural extension in Africa: Accelerating agricultural transformation in the face of global crises
Virtual Event: August 26, 2022 – 6:30 AM to 9:15 AM EDT. This event will highlight trends, good practices, and recommendations for multidimensional, digitally-enables agricultural extension.

UNFSS Independent Dialogue: The Critical Role of Agricultural Extension in Advancing the 2030 Agenda: Lessons from the Field and Empirical Evidence
Virtual Event: AUG 6, 2021 – 07:00 AM to 09:30 AM EDT. The objective of this dialogue is to come to a common understanding of how extension can contribute to the SDGs and adapt to future needs.
Re-imagining Africa’s food security within the context of climate change and ecological sustainability
This press-release was initially published by WWF on December 12, 2023. WWF, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, IFPRI, CGIAR, and AfDB have released a new report to help African countries to achieve food security and implement climate and nature commitments. The report is based on a joint study, executed with the technical support […]
- Outstanding Journal Article of the Year Award, 2004, International Journal of Agricultural and Extension Education 11(1). 2004. Davis, K, Irani, T. & Payson, K. Going forward in education on agricultural biotechnology: Extension’s role internationally.
- Outstanding Paper Presentation (2006) for the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Clearwater Beach, Florida. Davis, K. Institutional Arrangements for Increasing the Dissemination Role of Farmer Groups in Agricultural Innovation Systems.
- Ochieng, Cosmas, and Davis, Kristin. 2006. Bronze prize winner of the International Finance Corporation-Financial Times Research Essay Competition “Business and Development: The Private Path to Prosperity.” ICTs as Appropriate Technologies for African Development. Forthcoming in the Financial Times.
- Second Runner-up Article of the Year for 2007. International Journal of Agricultural and Extension Education. Anandajayasekeram, P., K. Davis, and S. Workneh. 2007. Farmer Field Schools: An Alternative to Existing Extension Systems? Experience from Eastern and Southern Africa. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 14(1): 81-93.
- Second Runner Up, Journal Article of the Year Award for 2008. Davis, K. 2008. Extension in Sub-Saharan Africa: Overview and Assessment of Past and Current Models and Future Prospects. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 15(3): 15—28.
- Journal Article of the Year, 2008. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 14(1): 35-51. Davis, K., J. Ekboir and Spielman, D. J. Agricultural education and training in sub-Saharan Africa from an innovation systems perspective: A case study of Mozambique.
- Early Achievement Award for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education in 2009. The Early Achievement Award is presented to a member who early in their career (less than five years) has demonstrated a combination of service, leadership, and scholarly activity in international agricultural and extension education.
- “Presidential Plaque in Recognition of Exceptional Leadership” as President of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE), 2014-2015.
- Outstanding Achievement Award (2014). The Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education presents this award to a professional who during their career has demonstrated a combination of service, leadership, and scholarly activity.
- Outstanding Service Award (2013). The Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education presents this award to an international agricultural and extension educator who has made meritorious service contributions beyond his or her regular employment. Other elements include peer recognition for services beyond normal expectations, dedication and personal sacrifice, and sustained effort over time.